FTP Error: 530 Login authentication failed
FTP : File Transfer Protocol FTP clients : Filezilla FTP connection settings as Host : Domain name or server IP Port: 21 Protocol : FTP or SFTP Encryption :...
FTP : File Transfer Protocol FTP clients : Filezilla FTP connection settings as Host : Domain name or server IP Port: 21 Protocol : FTP or SFTP Encryption :...
Logs ...
How to Install And Configure Varnish Before installing Varnish, you will have to install the EPEL repository. You can do this by running the following command: yum install...
How to Allow or Block an IP range from command line in CSF Firewall. You can block IP Range csf -d csf -d You can allow...
How to Start CentOS 7 Server in Single User Mode. On startup server, you need to press any key to stop the boot process at the OS image list...
phpMoAdmin – MongoDB GUI administration tool for PHP by- eLite Server Management We Specialize In cPanel Server Management Affordable 24/7 Technical Support Company
Install the MongoDB repo cd /etc/yum.repos.d nano -w mongodb.repo Paste below code inside [mongodb] name=MongoDB Repo baseurl=http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 Install MongoDB package using Yum yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server Configure...
exim -bt [email protected] by- eLite Server Management We Specialize In cPanel Server Management Affordable 24/7 Technical Support Company
awk ‘/– Table structure for table .tbl_first./,/– Table structure for table .tbl_second./{print}’ mydumpfile.sql > mytable.sql by- eLite Server Management We Specialize In cPanel Server Management Affordable 24/7 Technical...
The ioncube 4 and 5 is not compatible with PHP 7. by- eLite Server Management We Specialize In cPanel Server Management Affordable 24/7 Technical Support Company