SolusVM Server Management – 24×7 Support

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  • SolusVM Server Management – 24×7 Support
  • SolusVM Slave Installation Service

  1. Check OS configuration, runlevel and adjust partition structure if required
  2. Install latest operating system updates and kernel
  3. Check for system users with shell access
  4. Disable unnecesarry services
  5. Mount /tmp, /var/tmp and /dev/shm with noexec,nosuid options
  6. Disable dangerous binaries for normal users
  7. Install/configure sysstat, iotop, iftop utilities
  8. Install/configure NTP for automatic time syncronisation
  9. Install Xen 4, or OpenVZ Virtualization software
  10. Configure platform-specific settings for performance, stability & security
  11. Install SolusVM Slave software
  12. (If Applicable) Install CLI utilities for common Hardware RAID controllers

SolusVM Server Management(Monthly)

  1. Helpdesk (Staffed 24x7x365)
  2. 1 Hour response time
  3. Unlimited Tickets
  4. Backend software support and upgrades e.g. Host OS, Virtualization Technology, SolusVM
  5. VPS  support issues e.g. Filesystem issues, /dev/ issues, kernel module issues etc


  • CentOS 5.x – OpenVZ, Xen, KVM
  • CentOS 6.x – OpenVZ, KVM


Ffmpeg, Mplayer, Mencoder, ZendOptimizer, Ioncube, GD, Curl, Freetype, Eaccelerator, ImageMagick, Perl modules, Softaculous, Fantastico, RVSkin, CpanelPro, CpanelXp, ClamAV, Mailscanner, URCHIN, Ruby on Rails.


  1. Complete Hardware Node Management
  2. Security Updates and Patches
  3. SolusVM updates
  4. SolusVM template management
  5. Slave Addtion/Removal
  6. LVM Setup & Configuration
  7. Server Optimization and Tweaks
  8. Managing VPS Templates

VPS Management Issues Covered

  1. VPS Creation Issues
  2. VPS Start/Stop/Reboot Issues
  3. VPS Backup Failures
  4. VPS Restorations Issues
  5. VPS Actions Log Pruning
  6. Applying Updates if needed
  7. VPS Resources setting issues
  8. Security Monitoring and viewings logs